It is definitely a tourist city filled with Americans. If you are hoping to practice your Spanish, forget it! Everyone speaks English and assumes that you do not speak Spanish.
The Mayan ruins are wonderful Chichen Itza and Tolume are a definite must in addition to resting and relaxing on the beautiful beaches.
These are some photos from the trip - GLOW, a gay disco was fun after 2AM when the locals showed up. Prior to 2AM, it was tourists and very slow. Plan accordingly and take a nap before going out to keep up with the local disco crowd.
The Coco Bongo Club (lower photo) was fun, but really a nightmare in terms of crowd size and crowd control. We were not allowed to sit at a table (not sure why) and there were very long lines for everything! People were constantly stepping over us and spilling beer and cocktails on us. It is a fun experience if you get over the total lack of crowd control measures and the poor service. They act like you should just be happy to get in and the staff was rude.
Jeffery in SF